You went for nightouts for your projects, you studied and toiled with all reverence and you landed up doing a job where mere diploma-holders could suffice. Who asked you to do a job like this? Who stopped you from doing R&D? Who asked you to join the herd of sheep or that of penguins for that matter? The answer is simple dude, its "you"!! You could have sought a challenging career even as a photographer, you could have excelled as school teacher with all your knowledge. But no, you from the very beginning were after something else. And let me give you a simple suggestion my friend, very few places give you both of what you seek. So, stop cribbing about what companies are doing, because you yourself are in that very mess(i suppose). Go and join CERN if you want to do some high-level research and drill down your brain to the brink. You are talking about India as a country, look at yourself dude, "you" are India and so are all of us. Cribbing is the favorite sport for Indians. So let Mr.S be happy with what he is doing, rather stop your whole body from burning and do some good.
-Anonymous Comment
I am not sure what you mean by 'cribbing', I use cribbing for copying. But from the context that you are talking about, I feel you mean 'frustration outburst' when you use cribbing. So, lets take one-by-one bottom up questons of yours.
First thing, I am not writting something that is a consequence

If he could have joined a NIIT J2EE Expert course, he could have been learning technology specifications for 2 years, a certification from Sun and we would have had a strong Java developer. He could have add-on more expertise during his career.
The problem here is career guidelines are hazy. We follow mob psychology, so if Mr. S's cousine did his B.E. in Civil Engineering then he joined Infosys, and now, after 3 years in Infosys, he is on on-site assignment in USA. We follow that path blindly without looking at inefficiencies in that. And, actually, that's justified for it is verified. But... had there been a open minded thinking over the process, you see a guy learnt Civil Engineering for 4 years, does some hefty swift course for a quater of a year that enables (and perhaps specially made to enables) him to clear Infosys interview process. Do you find it smooth? I do not.
The same could have been achieved in a better and effective way. People know that Civil Engineering isn't paying. And if paying, it's not the craze. It is not the one where mob push lies. And moreover, we have tracked path to USA with the guy's brother as example. I ask why would anyone bother trying anything new? (Although it saves few years.)
It itches when you see all these potential, who could have started adding values long-back, is doing interview passer courses that enable them earn 8000 INR/month. And then they wait clock to tick away 2 years so that, they can apply a job where they ask 2+ experience.
It is too procedural. It is boring. Are we having all these branches, engineering colleges estabilished and mashrooming up to produce software engineers? You cant deny the preciding statement. And if you agree, then I ask another question. Is it correct? Isn't it a removable inefficiency. All my post says why dont we have courses that creates software professionals by keeping courses based on real market demand, instead of openning engineering degree colleges that make Biotechnologists, Mechanical engineers who later become software developers.
Now let's take on why I stress people doing diploma in engineering instead of degree. I am not sure whether you are following or not Ranbaxy is in rumour for ownership change. There have been long debates about IP, about patents, R and D and about egnineering and pharma grads. The main thing out of this story, India is a developing country with lot of cheap labour and heavy natural resources. It is economically favorable to be a producer than being inventor, at least for the present times. To be a producer you do not need engineering grads, or at least, you do not need bulk of engineers because you are importing alrerady-in-use technology from some foreign country which is well verified and approved. The technology won't break on daily basis in a manner that need engineering skills, all it need diploma guys who can manage them efficiently without getting frustrated. And, if you want to know the truth, India's current biggest automobile manufacturer RnD unit is a joke.
Let come back to "me" being India part. You are correct that we are the youth of the nation - we drive the country. I have that realization. I did had childhood dream of having my own version of R2D2, could be easily achieved by joinind Honda or probably I may go for higher education, some heavy duty RnD. I like those stuffs. But it is hard to stay sane when see lies opening up. You go mad when you see the best of our country labs are miles behind the sophistication they claim. You break to find out some of really nice labs are as useful as Pandora Box because of several reasons.
It is frustrating to see misguided talents and at the same time to find out misused resources and bubble boasts. So, who told me work in mob's way? I reply, I decided. I chose not to work in an area where we aren't frontiers. I decided to accumulate talent and streamline them. I dream to make an invention driven, innovation mativated environment. I look for the next big thing. And that is why I decided not to go for CERN but to create another CERN. Are you with me?
Hello my friend. Hope you are doing fine. Good that you read my comment atleast. First of all, I would like to apologize for using the word "crib" which actually means to copy. I always use it as a slang in my spoken english in the sense you told. Perhaps, wailing would be appropriate. Secondly, I would like to ask you one question. Why on earth did you create a new post for my comment? Is it that you think blogspot has some restriction for the size of comment, or is it that it is an aggressive step towards making your point and showing to the world how divine your idea is? I know what your answer will be and for that matter, I knew you wont accept what I had written in my comment. Anyways, lets leave that. Talking about the civil engineering case, Why do you think, the person "GOT" civil engineering in the first place? I don't know about you, but I know why I did my engineering in a particular stream. Ask yourself. Were you so interested in your stream that, you "sacrificed" other streams to take this. I suppose, your answer will be a big "no". Let me make a separate para here.
I think in an urge to "respond", you have brought stuffs into this conversation that are less relevant and we miss the whole point. You say you are sad at the plight of the labs you had. I would just say, exploit it, learn and ensure you children do not face the same situation. Its never like you cant go abroad to use good labs. If you are that sad, do an MS abroad and use the best labs on earth. You want to create a CERN, good, very good, but that cannot be done through rebellion, but by preaching. You were talking about certain potential of certain fellow. I have been following your blogs since quite some time and I know you are from IIT. What are you doing with your potential my friend? Writing numerous ready-to-be-debated notions and trying to act Mother Teresa? Dont take it otherwise. Do something for yourself first. You dont have control on others, you know that. Take it as a suggestion and not as a challenge, for in challenges there is always a loser and I do not want any of us to lose.
Is it that you think Blogspot has some restriction for the size of comment, or is it that it is an aggressive step towards making your point and showing to the world how divine your idea is?
>> The later one, because actually it is. :)
Talking about the civil engineering case... ... you "sacrificed" other streams to take this.
>> In an ideal world (full of "perfectly logical beings (PLBs)"), yes. And, in the ideal world, you would not be seeing a civil engg. grads shifting from his core job to software / finance. But we do see in imperfect world like ours.
You must have been realistic and well informed about your stream while choosing your stream. Your expectations from course was, thus, fulfilled. What if you realize that the Euphoric information in brochure about Bio-tech boom has not come yet. Now, you are done with your masters in Bio-tech (which promised a splendid career when you were much confused about what to choose) and you are out of time -- no job. Fool yourself for few more years by pursuing MS in foreign university or go back to the basics of survival, get whatever is paying.
You said it perfectly alright -- "Were you so interested in your stream that, you 'sacrificed' other streams to take this." Just make sure, whatever information and expectation that made you interested "are" real.
Now, lets get back to 'me' again.
ensure you children do not face the same situation.
>> Yeah, that is one of my superior goals, I have this concept of 'open university' in my mind. It is not in my next 5 year plan of action.
do an MS abroad and use the best labs on earth
>> Yeah. But I am "timed-out", I have wasted enough time in my early life that I can't afford the luxury of enjoying world class labs. Rather, I would work on a action-plan. Accrue talent, channelize it, make a dent in the universe -- a common goal. (ah, you must be laughing. :->)
I have been following your blogs since quite some time
>> Thanks, that keeps tachometer rolling.
What are you doing with your potential my friend?
>> right now? Confused, uncertain, exploring and listening everyone. Perhaps I can dig in something where I can put my potential to use. Suggest me something. (except suicide, one of the most heard suggestion :->)
You want to create a CERN, good, very good, but that cannot be done through rebellion, but by preaching.
>> I am sorry. I am timed-out (repeated), I am in now or never situation. I don't know, perhaps it burns me out and kicks me back. I need resolution in view, it is hazy right now. I would prefer to do at the fastest possible pace.
Writing numerous ready-to-be-debated notions and trying to act Mother Teresa?
>> It is perhaps my way of intellectual seduction. It feels good being Mother Teresa unless you don't need to bandage wounds.
The truth is, I like listening responses, contrasting people's point of view from mine. I do it all the time. I like it -- sometimes proving people wrong, other times getting proved wrong and yet some other times, it is a learning.
I don't mind accepting myself wrong on realization.
Do something for yourself first
>> I know you'd say that I have the answer. But I don't. So I ask. Suggest me, what should I do?
You don't have control on others, you know that.
>> :->
Take it as a suggestion and not as a challenge..
>> Hey, suggestion is what it is. As I have already told I love to listen, chew on people's thought, assimilate what is useful. I like your comments.
My problem is not that I don't want to act. I like to act but on what? I need clarity or I don't know what's missing.
Hahahaha.... It was good reading your response. "Chew on good thoughts and assimilate useful ones", huh?? Haven't done that in a long time now. The thing is I myself have seen some potential talent rotting in filth, but not because of circumstances, because of their own interest. But, I dont have time either, I too have "timed out" :). I want to do something for myself. Unlike you, I know what to do, but do not have that push. Anyways, no point wailing again. I will do what I can and all the best for yourself. Hope you get what you want. And once you get, do put that down in a blog. Its not like blogs are meant for boasting or crying on departed souls. They can be used for communication also. :) And dont worry I'll keep your tachometer rolling.
I myself have seen some potential talent rotting in filth, but not because of circumstances, because of their own interest
>> So perhaps, it is the time to take talents out of filth and utilize them, let them know what they can. Rotting in filth doesn't seem to be obvious choice -- may be there is lack of knowledge about what they can do. [I didn't want to sound like an Indian politician, but it just came out like one.]
Try asking sometime, you will find that they willing to move from inertia and are misinformed about their own potential.
I know what to do,..
>>You know what to do! Hey, that's the best. That's like most happy life to me. Don't know what to do with one's life, pisses off.
And once you get, do put that down in a blog
>>Sure, I will do.
Its not like blogs are meant for boasting.... They can be used for communication also
>>We are communicating. I guess, I am trying to communicate what I feel. There is enough room for boasting in feeings.
Thanks for wishes.
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